Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Well said

Don't know that I agree with the whole of the article, but the quote aligns really well with our particular scenario...

"You know what? Our reasons for home educating our children have changed. Even if given the most perfect public school there is, I'm extremely doubtful that we would enroll our children back into that system. Just by the very fact of removing ourselves from that system, our horizons have broadened. We are much different people than we were three years ago. We have learned to question more and accept “expert opinion” less. We have learned that our own “instinct” is quite often the best answer we can find. We have learned to seek our own knowledge and to view things very differently from mainstream society. Not only are we adults learning to “think outside the box”, but our children are learning that there is no box."
Valid Reasons for Homeschooling

This is from an unschooler, something that at this point we're not. Strange bedfellows I tell you, maybe the answer to bringing together the left and the right is homeschooling. Seriously, we've been very pleased with supplementing our world with secular HS group.