Never say never
You've been there. You've said it. You've also begrudgingly eaten your crow. Let's see, a few famous Biblical about Jonah...I'll never go to Nineveh. How about Peter "...Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will." One of the "nevers", a statement of disobedience; the other a statement of valor and allegiance. In both cases the opposite was true.
Let's of the few times I remember saying "never" was in the context of a question "Would you move back to Danville?" Not a bad place to be per se, but in the context of my experience, not even on my top 1000 cities I'd move to. Huh, you say? Let's neighborhoods, friendly merchants, good schools, nice people? Let me be clear, Danville to me represented a detestably selfish culture. One that was in constant pursuit of elevation of self with little or no thought to the will of God. A culture with pride, and I daresay snobbery, that made me sick to my stomach. A culture that I once blended into, and even at times excelled. I punished myself for the parts of the culture that I once embraced and I looked back to my moving out as "the best thing that ever happened to me". But you know what? God uniquely prepared me for the mission he had for me, for my family. To swallow the pride that I had, ironically against those who I perceived of being prideful themselves, and once again live in Danville.
Just a week or so ago, a Danville dad sent me an email and said "Hey, I've found a Bible Study that meets on Thursday nites, would you go with me?" This is the same guy who I have recently had conversations with about getting back to a "walk" with God; a guy who once attended a Bible believing church but hasn't for well over 10 years; a guy who at this point is realizing his family needs God. Yesterday, I was able to invite a neighbor girl to AWANA, her mom has a fringe Greek Orthodox background but has had very little religious upbringing of her child. Within the past few months, Kim has developed a friendship with a Russian immigrant, someone we hope to share Christ with. And Cosmic Boy, Dash, and Dynagirl have all made friends in which we've been able to at least show witness to the work of God in our lives. Do you think God had a plan for my family?
So, whether your statement be honorable or detestable, be prepared to think about it carefully. And the next time I hear you say it, I just may ask you if like fries with that.
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