Saturday, September 27, 2008

Intentional Living

Hmmm. A discussion tonite with Wonder Woman about living life intentionally. You know, I do "X" because I want "Y". Keeping the eye on "Y" and thinking about the "X"s. You know we're not big goal setters, at least not in the cultural financial and life position standpoint. To a certain extent we hold to the put God first and let him do the rest approach; see what God is doing and try to join in, however, we certainly are intentional in many parts of our lives.

Now I didn't know "intentional living" was a loaded term, it just kind of rolled off the tongue...but apparently it is, per the Wikipedia article, "Some examples of intentional living include Cohousing, Ethical Living, Frugal Living, Intentional Community, Moral community, Simple Living, Sustainable Living, Vegetarianism as well as many religious lifestyles."

So w/o a big writeup on what we're intentional on and why, or if we should be intentional and why, or how intentions match to expectations, or how many scramble words I can get out of "intentions"...I'll just say, if you're going to use some words, I guess you better know what others think they mean. Cuz, I like my steak, I don't want other smelly people living with me (I'm enough), and I'm not even sure what "Intentional community" is.

I hope my intention is clear...signed Mr. Incredible