Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spotlight on Dyna Girl

You can easily see the resemblance. Dyna Girl is a sidekick, originally to Electra Woman, but now of course to Wonder Woman. You'll note that she is "Electra-" positive and helpful. She gets her powers from her costume (of course, it's the clothes) and various other gadgets from Professor Heflin, but Mr Incredible usually supplies these gadgets now. Other Dyna Girl Facts


Ryan, Kelli, Kiana and Madison Gleeson said...

Bryan---Bryan--Bryan--you have to cut and paste the questionaire that I have on our blog and answer the ?'s YOUR Blog. I'm SO happy to see that you "jumped right into blogging"! Aren't you glad I suggested it? It's the perfect outlet for all your creative thoughts. Miss you guys!!

Mr Incredible said...

ah my dear sis-in-law, perhaps you should note the date of my first post. thegreenhouse5 started on Jan 7. so who got into blogging first?

I rarely: Do chain letters
I always: Enjoy some good competition
I search: And find