Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Spotlight on Wonder Woman

Yes, it's long overdue to pen this tale. But as we remember 15 years married together today, 8/14, (and 17 1/2 years as a couple), the superhero spotlight has to turn to Wonder Woman. You'll note that "She is a founding member of the Justice League. For several years, Wonder Woman was described in the splash page of each story as "beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules."

Yes that's her. Let's see, beautiful as Aphrodite, check. Wise as Athena, check. Swifter than Hermes, check. Stronger than' you see the pictures?

She's been known to deflect my bullets, so she's equipped with gadgetry too. "Diana has numerous powerful weapons at her disposal, but her signature weapons are her indestructible bracelets and the Lasso of Truth." Ah, Cosmic Boy, Dynagirl, and Dash all know about the Lasso of Truth; she doesn't even actually have take it out; it, like her jet, seems to be invisible, encircling unsuspecting subjects with the subtle flick of a wrist.

How could Mr. Incredible survive w/o her? The love of my life with powers that are just a tad scary...perfect!? So, it's off in the invisible jet next weekend to the NW superhero headquarters to a sporting venue and some superhero alone time; she's certainly earned it.


Epps Clan said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mr. Incredible. You're pretty wonderful, too! Happy 15--I love you lots and lots!!

At A Hen's Pace said...

Happy Anniversary to the super-couple!!!
