Thursday, June 5, 2008

If the media doesn't like him...

...maybe he ain't that bad. I've had a few email conversations with Mike Arata. He's a local gentleman, former teacher and coach, who has campaigned against some initiatives by our local school district. The latest was a proposed parcel tax (Measure D) above the existing one to "support our local schools". Yes, he was a close friend of the recent murder victim, Ernie Scherer, who also had similar efforts.

It's been interesting as we switched from living in a "bad" school district to a "good" one, that we are looked at very differently in our decision to homeschool. Before our move, people might reply "Oh, I see why you homeschool!" when they found out what school district we were in. Now, the response is typically one of shock since we live in "such a great school district". There's also big defense mechanism that many times kicks in, along the lines of "We paid big money to live here because the schools are so great, what do you mean you homeschool? Who do you think you are? Our schools are GREAT, how could you do such a thing?"

Our reasons for homeschooling are not one-dimensional, in other words, it's not just the academic education that causes us to homeschool. However, one point I've really become to realize, is that the public school system, especially my local one is not as good as you might think. Of anyone, I feel very qualified to have that opinion. I went K-11 in SRVUSD and found it for the most part fairly easy and I excelled. I found the instruction and competition much superior at James Logan in Union City my senior year, ironically an "inferior" school district.

So, in any case, no matter where you live, don't always believe what you read. Once again, I find the schools allow for free thought as long as it doesn't cross their beliefs. I can only imagine the scorn if I were to put up a "No on D" sign in my yard, yet the 18 year old students in the district were hand delivered ballots to sign for "D". You should read the local press on Mike Arata (see example link below). And also, if you're interested, the book "Not as good as you think", a book about middle class education in the US. Simple solutions are no where to be found, but we have to start somewhere.

Check out the assault on Mike Arata (how dare he support a "no" position)

How about some reasonable facts about the school budgets?

Book Link
Not as good as you think


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, Mr. Incredible. . . The book looks very well researched from a good research institute. I enjoyed browsing their website.