Sunday, June 22, 2008

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall....

...Humpty Dumpty had a big fall....Well actually it was Dash. While riding back from Alamo (Safeway, Blockbuster, Thrifty Ice Cream, yum) on the Iron Horse Trail, Dash got a little too close to Mr Incredible and fell full speed, pretty much right next to me. Now the thing about this fall is there was very little blood...a little scuff on the forearm and some minor scrapes on the side...that's because he fell straight on his HEAD, the first thing to hit the ground. This wasn't one of those wobbly falls, it was BANG-BANG, straight down. Mr Incredible was pretty impressed with Dash's bravery, a few tears and some magic juice (Gatorade) and we were ready to hit the road. Looks like we'll need a new helmet since he CRACKED this one with his head, a first for the members of this hall of justice. Hopefully the dain bramage won't be permanent! I don't think I need to add any sort of "plug" for helmets for kids, this saved a certain concussion, large goose-egg, and a probable trip to urgent care.

Now we could have gotten going a lot faster after the crash, if Dynagirl hadn't gotten a bug in her eye AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. Now again, to add to the uncharted territory for Mr. Incredible, I've never seen a bug stuck in quite this fashion; I could see was big...but it wouldn't come out. I flushed, I poked, I huffed, and I puffed but no cigar. So, poor Dynagirl cried the whole way home, probably 2 miles or so. Her little finger was able to get it out once she had a mirror (and the tears for the 15 or 20 minutes probably helped loosen it up, who says crying doesn't help anything!)

Believe it or not, I think everybody had a good time, but I think the ride started a little better than it finished :-)