Dances with death
It's something we realize and I don't know any who wouldn't agree....death is inches, if not millimeters away. No matter how young or old, it could come anytime. Some have experienced it much closer than I...friends and family taken before their time. Though it's in my head, I don't know that I really comprehend how close it really takes reminders to have it sink in.
Last year, Dash just about ran in front of a car in Hawaii. It was a blind alley; I watched it unfold in slow motion. Him running, car screeching, stomach dropping. No matter how fast he can run, it wouldn't have been fast enough. Wouldn't have been anybody's fault, the car should've slowed (the mom was obviously in hurry), Dash shouldn't have been running there, Mr. Incredible should have stopped him. But it wouldn't have mattered. He would have been gone.
Last night, while I was enjoying a fire and Wonder Woman was sleeping next to me. Dash swallowed a marble, or should I say, partially swallowed a marble. At breakfast he commented while eating his cereal, "My throat hurts a little's because of the marble I swallowed last night." From what I can gather, he was tossing it in his bed...and missed. I gather he managed to cough it up, he said he "made a little noise" while getting it up. Another close call.
So, suffice to say, some kids make it more exciting than others. But the reminder is close to home. God in His grace keeps us going. The thought of losing my kids or others close to me is hard to bear, yet the realization of His sustaining their lives gives me great joy. Thank you God for another's never boring.
Hi Son,
Oh my, I just read this about Dash. . . Oh my goodness, thank goodness, nothing happened!!
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