Monday, January 5, 2009

Some holiday wanderings with the camera phone

Things get strange when Wonder Woman doesn't come. A journey to where no man has gone before...

First, the reason why Wonder Woman couldn't join us. She was having lunch with an old friend...

Yes, as Cosmic Boy noted, this trail seems to have no end.

An unlocked man-hole cover--I wonder where it goes?

Now where is that lock when I need it?

Lucky for Cosmic Boy, Dynagirl, and Dash...there was an escape portal...

Now, where do I get me some of those? I think this guy is kookier than me...

Some ice cream. Hmm, good.

The end (of the train)


Epps Clan said...

Oh my goodness!:):) I have a picture of Anna eating that same icecream! Such a colorful mess but they love it!