Saturday, November 15, 2008

Playin' in the mud again...

Getting there. If I'm playing in mud, there must be light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully next Saturday we tile...


Epps Clan said...

Go Mr. Incredible and Wonder Woman, GO!!!! Love your choices of tile. Are you going to go with the Adobe colored paint? Can't wait to see the finished product!

Mr Incredible said...

Hmmm, eppsclan, did WW send you some pics or talk to you? I don't see any tile in the pic. But since you asked, we've decided on purple tile with a kind of art decco pink glass trim. I haven't told WW, but I picked up a disco ball at a rummage sale today, so I think we've got the decorating all sewed up. Oh yeah, and the paint color. Hmmm, I'm thinking black so the disco ball will be really cool when it spins. This is going to be cool.

Epps Clan said...

I know that if Emily had her way that the bathroom would be purple:):) I actually met WW at her Super Grandma's place of residence and borrowed some scrapbooking stuff. Since she had the tiles and paint swatches (sp?) in the car, I got to see them. I think you'd better leave the decorating to your Wonder Wife:):)