Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Redefinition of the day

Peanut Butter:
(1) A paste made from ground roasted peanuts
(2) A paste made from taco sauce, flower, and honey

Interesting. I looked up the definition of the word marriage on Merriam-Webster online dictionary and got this:

(1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

Hmmm. What's interesting is that I have a dictionary from Webster on my bookshelf from 1989 that has NO such definition (of the same sex variety). Now, certainly words evolve; there are no doubt words in the new dictionary that didn't exist in the old one. And in fact, many words have evolving definitions.

But in prop 8 situation, the fundamental elements have changed. We've traded peanuts for other ingredients so to speak. The prop was originally worded as simply a statement of the definition of marriage: 1 man, 1 woman. The liberal legislators reworded it to sound much more like a take-away of rights. Thus the no on 8 folks can market it much more as an attack on rights. But who's really being attacked here? Who rewrote the definition? If we hold this as a religious institution, the redefinition of the word is really the attack; an attack on MY religious beliefs. But religious rights really aren't important anymore are they?

It's time for a new word. As not to offend anyone, I'll let someone else come up with the word, just please, in honor of tolerance, let's not change definitions.