Some friends of ours are very active politically. This couple attends conferences on lobbying politicians and belongs to local political groups that fight for justice and values. They choose their affiliations and support with care and research; for instance, I know they do not patronize certain eating establishments due to the political backing by the company.
On the other extreme, there are some others we know who shun the political world altogether, choosing instead to not register, not vote, and isolate themselves from that arena. As I understand it, it's more of the approach of not being in alignment with any party, to putting their faith in God, and letting chips fall where they fall.
Then there's us, more in the middle, a "moderate" in this spectrum (dang I hate that word!). Reading, voting, defending our philosophy on occasion, talking more in length with those who are more like minded. To date, we haven't plastered the bumper stickers, staked the signs, or attended the rallies.
Economically, I've got my opinions. Economist, I'm not. Logician, I like to think I am. Government to me doesn't typically solve problems; the bureaucracy of it all seems akin to the modern large corporation, ripe with critics and opinions, but incredibly lacking in true leaders. Meetings upon meetings, blah, blah, blah, with no action. So my logic sees large(r) government as wasteful and unproductive. The economic slippery slope to me seems to lead down a socialistic, "why can't everybody be equal", path. Interesting discussion, and certainly some passion in me, but probably not a hill I'll die on.
Socially, my opinions are more intense. You know the hot button topics ... abortion ... gay marriage ... etc. I believe in a right and a wrong and don't think now is the time to start redefining what those rights and wrongs are. Those definitions were made long ago. I'm not saying "stop thinking", but I'm saying there's a moral fiber that just plain makes sense. I have gay friends (some of which on occasion read this blog), I hope they realize I love them...but I don't have to agree with their lifestyle. And there are certainly other moral issues, not the only thing by which to judge a person.
Abortion much the same, the standard conservative position. Dang it, it just makes sense, don't kill babies. If the heart is beating (or not), don't kill it. Find new ways to save the life instead of putting energy into finding new ways to kill it.
I've often told Wonder Woman there's no doubt in my mind that gay marriage would be legal in my Believing this, my thought process is almost "Let's just get it over with". Certainly not excited or supportive but resigned. The same with other issues as well; do I expect abortion to be outlawed? Not really.
Again, are these the only issues in town? Of course not, but the attitude is what I'm talking about. You know, my sign walking friends, they're making more and more sense. In response to my thoughts of resignation, the paraphrased quote was "You just have to fight it; you have to fight for what's right." That's the point. In the face of defeat it's understandable to wave the white flag, but I hardly think it's what we're supposed to do.