Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Off to Portland

Geezzzzzz. 56 degree high, 70% chance of thundershowers. How bout a little sun for the CA boy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Global Warming a hoax?

There's a sign, by the looks of it made by a 4th grader, in my neighborhood that says "Global warming is a hoax". It's surrounded by trip wires in his/her side yard, almost as if it were concocted to be protected by an electric fence. In my fairly conservative (at least for CA bay area) little suburbia bubble called Danville, I'm actually amazed it's survived the at least 2 months it's been up. Tolerance? I think not. Haven't seen the new "Expelled" movie by Ben Stein, but it pretty much has the same theme of (in)tolerance. I have one former colleague that spewed profanity at me and cutoff the friendship at the audicity of me to doubt global warming. And I wasn't even arguing against it per se, just offering the possibility that there could be other explanations. Granted as a staunch athiest, he threw in the kitchen sink regarding many of the spiritual conversations we've had, but that's really part of the point. There's a religion issue here, man wants to believe that he has ultimate control, that our actions somehow control our own destiny, even if it takes millions of years. Hence the emotion, you get to the root of it, and we're back to God, a creator, and the rebellion of man.

So anyhow, here's some interesting comments by a world renowned meteorologist in the attached article. This is the guy who everyone looks to for prediction of the hurricane season. These are similar comments to that of a local radio personality who was once a local TV meteorologist (Brian Sussman).

* "I am of the opinion that this is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people,"
* "I've been in meteorology over 50 years. I've worked damn hard, and I've been around. My feeling is some of us older guys who've been around have not been asked about this. It's sort of a baby boomer, yuppie thing."
* "The models can't even predict the weather in two weeks, much less 100 years, he says."

Good read if you have the time...
Washington Post "The Tempest" An article about interview w/ Dr William Gray

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Living inside in an upside down world, Part Deux

Cosmic Boy's duet, and ... you guessed it... some more great singing by Dyna Girl...

Living inside in an upside down world, Part Un

A little skit by Cosmic Boy and some great background singing by Dyna Girl! Yeah!!!

An Oldie, but Goodie

OK, it's not that old, but to get into the spirit of baseball, this is Cosmic Boy and Roger from last year. Nick who?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thomas, good move or bad?

Will he just be robbing time from others? Good article at

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally getting around to dumping some pics off the phone

Let's see, a few kids went scuba diving...

And I ran into a 2-headed monster...

And a few cousins got together for a pic...

And yet another monster...

And Roger and Melissa are all business when it comes to getting into Petco park...

How affordable is your community?

This Wells Fargo index measures "Share of homes affordable for Median Income". The closest area to us is number 197 in the nation out of 220 cities. By the way, my birthplace, Springfield Ohio, is number 2 in the nation.

Wells Fargo Affordability Index by Region

How'd you like to have 100 children?

An interesting article / interview with the founder of Crazy that there are donors who have 100+ children. How'd you like to get hit up for child support?

Wonder Woman Says....

Well, we finally did it. Thanks to my sister-in-law's polite prodding we now have an official blog! This is where we will post our updates and thoughts...and hopefully you will get a glimpse of what life is really like in the Greenhouse house!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reading the Bible w/ the little superheros

One of the things I've missed out on in recent years is reading the Bible w/ the kids regularly. In the midst of the busyness of life, laziness, priorities, and homeschooling (they do Bible for school, thus not needing it at night), it has just continued to elude us. What a blessing it's been recently. It's really amazing how much they grasp and how one question leads to another. The other nite, Genesis led to questions of obedience (as the a big part of the original sin), evolution, and salvation. In response to a question that came up that I couldn't answer (of course, there are many), I mused that maybe Gma Harvey now knows the answer. Emily, not missing a beat, said "Yeah, or xxxxx". When I replied that I wasn't sure whether he/she had accepted Jesus, once again, w/o missing a beat she said "Why didn't you tell him/her?". If it was only that simple, however to a great degree, she's right. There's an urgency, time is not always a luxury we have. Who do you have to tell? Do you have the guts? It's not always so easy is it?

Send text messages w/o typing!

Try it, it's cool. Use your bluetooth instead of fat fingering at a stoplight.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Me and my smokin' hot wife

Hanging out in Kauai. Right after this was posted, I base jumped right off the side.


Kelli, kelli, bo-belly, fannana, nana, fo felli, fee fi fo felli, kellllliiiiiiiiii.